2. Login/Register


If you do not yet have an account with us, registering to ListentoChurch is made as simple as possible. You will note two buttons at the top of the right of the page, Log in,and Join Us. Click Join Us. 

Alternatively, you can select Create an Account from the center of the page, below the Listen field.

Upon clicking Join Us or Create an Account, you will see the following screen.

Option 1 - Google Account

Login with Google is the simplest option. Select the google account you wish to log in with. 

Remember to always log in to the same Google account to keep your selected streams and options intact. 

Option 2 - Register with email address

You can also register using any email address. Simply fill in your name, email address, type and confirm your password, and click Register

No matter your registration selection, successful registration will bring you to your personal Listener page. To learn how to use the Listener page, click here.



Once registered for Listentochurch, you can simply log in on your next visit. To log in, click the Sign in button.

If you have already logged into ListenToChurch with registered and saved credentials, you will be automatically taken to the Listening Page. If you are logging in from a new device or a different browser, the following Login options will be presented: 


  1. Log in with your email address and password.

  2. Log in with your Google Account. ( Be sure to select the same account each time you log in to ensure your settings are saved.) If your Google credentials are saved on your device, you can simply select the desired account, and you will log in automatically. Otherwise, you will be prompted for Google credentials.

  3. If you use Telegram, and are registered with ListenToChurch, you can also sign in with Telegram.