Navigating the ListenToChurch Listening Page

Once you have registered to ListenToChurch, you will be taken to your listening page.  By default the first workspace you will see is the Bookmark Management workspace. 

1. Your Account, Your Page.

One of the first things you may notice on your listening page will be your name in the top right corner. This is where you can manage your account, switch workspaces, etc.

2. Documentation

Here you can access links to various documentation topics, including but not limited to how to navigate and manage the current page.

3. Language Settings

Here you can change the language your Listening page will be displayed in.

4. Bookmarks Workspace

This is the default workspace. Here you can add, delete, organize and share bookmarks.

5. Account Sharing

Here you can give other users access to your bookmarks, allow a manager access to your account (in order to more easily add/whitelist streams), etc.

6. Account Settings

Here you can manage your account settings, including updating your email account, password changes, phone numbers, devices (such as EasyListen) and more.

7. Adding a Stream

In this field you can enter new streams to bookmark.